Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 3: Robert Gerst shares 3 lessons that led to a successful life



There’s so much content focused on creating a career plan but a lot less on how to navigate the twists and turns your life presents. So why do some people seem to attract more good breaks than others? Robert “Bob” Gerst has been a senior executive for over 25 years and an adjunct professor for about as long. In this podcast, he shares his guiding principles and how he used them to stay at the top of his game, even as if life. Robert “Bob” Gerst is currently the VP, Human Resources at John I. Haas. Bob grew up on an Iowa farm and, over his life, has traveled the world. From the data-rich world of Las Vegas gaming to one of the world’s leading real estate enterprises Jones Lang LaSalle to brewing beer and teaching new leaders what it means to be a principle led person, Bob tells a wonderful story of his life, lessons learned, and the 3 questions everyone must answer if you want a successful career.