Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Episode 4: Kimberlee Archie: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: What we don’t talk about



Kimberlee Archie, Director of Equity and Inclusion for the City of Ashville, NC, has been on a long journey of discovery. She has learned how to thrive when you’re a minority and is responsible for teaching local government employees what it means to create an inclusive community. However, she has found it's what we don't talk about that keeps everyone from feeling included in her work. At the top of the list, accepting, not just tolerating, is unique and equality isn't a sustainable goal. Equality doesn’t allow for that, but something else does. So if we aren't trying to achieve equality, then what should we be working towards? Hear her perspective on what is missing and what we don’t talk about when diversity is the topic.