Girls Chase Podcast

27: Joshua Spodek | Taking Initiative



Welcome back to Dating Mechanics, our podcast here on Girls Chase! Today I feature a special guest who was recommended to me by Chase himself. Joshua Spodek (who actually used to be a dating coach himself) is now an expert on leadership, training, and taking initiative. He has several PhDs, writes a column for Inc., and has five Ivy league degrees. In this podcast, we’re here to talk about his upcoming new book, called Initiative, where Josh shares how anyone in any place in life can start taking initiative to create extraordinary results in life. Podcast Details: Taking Initiative 02:30 – We introduce Joshua, and we talk about his background in New York, and how he began teaching how to improve lives. We also talk about textbook learning versus performance based learning, and how traditional learning has failed. 05:00 – Traditional mainstream education teaches people to comply, and it tells you what’s important. Joshua shows how traditional textbook and example-based learning leaves people with fewer optio