Tbt Podcast

Ep 29 | JOHN OATES (Skinner's Frate Train)



John Oates, a Boston College graduate, joins TBT to discuss Skinner's Frate Train, a team of BC alums playing in support of their classmate, Pete Frates, and former coach, Al Skinner. Frates, a BC baseball player and a college roommate of SF Sean Marshall, was diagnosed with ALS in 2012 and has been working ever since to raise awareness and money for finding a cure for this terrible disease. Having inspired the Ice Bucket Challenge, Frates is also a primary inspiration for this reunion of some of the best basketball players Boston College has ever produced. Oates, now the Senior Director of Social Media for the Dr. Oz Show in New York, talks candidly here about his time at BC, getting back together with his college teammates, and the best Hall & Oates related heckling he ever got.