Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 14 - Talking with John J. Wall from Marketing over Coffee and Event Hero



This episode of The Xero Hour with Bob Knorpp and Saul Colt features a great discussion about B2B Marketing, Real world events and the science (and analyitcs) behind throwing events for your business. John J. Wall is the Vice President of Event Hero and the co-host of the very popular marketing podcast, Marketing Over Coffee. This episode is a special one as it is our first cross over episode. Part one is on the Xero Hour and to hear Part two you need to go over to Marketing Over Coffee to hear the rest.  John is the author of the book B2B Marketing Confessions available on Amazon.  For more information on Xero please go to Xero.com Questions or comments on the show? Tweet @saulcolt or @xero with the Hastag #xerohour