Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 25 - Great ways to increase your cash flow in 2016!



On episode 25 of Xero Gravity, we dig deep into cashflow, and get answers to questions like: How do you increase it? How do you generate an income to live comfortably? How do you keep things running smooth during rough patches? “If you have situations where you’re not getting the consistent income that everyone would love to have in business, you have to make sure you have back- up resources and an understanding of the trends in the business that will allow you to get through the bad times, in preparation for the good times.”   Will Slade knows. Founder of accounting and bookkeeping firm Slade and Company, Will shares his cashflow acumen with Gene and Elizabeth, on navigating cashflow management and effective budgeting to stay in the black and out of the red. Right on the money!