Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 28 - Tech & disruption: That mobile madness



Technology continues to disrupt the flow of business, making it more important than ever to understand the powerful role apps can play. How can you combine mobile and apps in your business? How are they being used across the world? What would a planet without them look like? In episode 28 of Xero Gravity, hosts Gene Marks and Elizabeth Ü explore mobile applications and the opportunities they present for small business. Joined by Mark Paddon of Guide Kick, and  Redmer Schukken of Ice House Corporation, Gene and Elizabeth ask some pointed questions about app development and use. And delve into there connection to online security and the streamlining of business operations.    All that and more — including why Southeast Asian businesses are bypassing desktops and going straight to mobile — from the delightful duo of hosts Elizabeth Ü and Gene Marks!