Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 29 - Turning your business passion into a company



Taking your passion from a hobby to full-time business can be a challenge. But not an impossible one. On this week’s Xero Gravity podcast episode, Emma Chapman, co-founder of online business A Beautiful Mess, drops by to chat with Gene and Elizabeth about this very subject.Between her tips on the ways to look after finances and your three-year forecast, to how to hire your first employee and balancing work with your personal life, Emma’s insightful ideas — inspired by her own journey — are sure to enhance your entrepreneurial skillset. So you can make your dream business a reality, too.   As a bonus, Emma’s offering all Xero Gravity listeners $15 off A Beautiful Mess’ new small business course: Start Small, Dream Big. To redeem this limited time offer, simply head to shop.abeautifulmess.com and enter the promo code DREAMBIG at checkout.