Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 36 - A guide to handling "difficult" employees



If you’ve ever had one of these folks slyly sneak under the radar to disrupt the cultural and financial flow of business, we have the podcast for you. Enter Nancy Riegle, VP of Human Resources at the National Association of Manufacturers, who you might say is a “difficult detector.” Backed by 20+ years of experience, she’s truly seen it all when it comes to less-than-ideal employees. Tune into Xero Gravity #36 and you’ll hear her take on what to look for and how to solve the difficult employee challenge. Among Nancy’s insights: job screening questions focused on soft skills and intangibles, understanding behavior versus skillset, separating performance expectations from cultural ones, and the cannot-be-overstated role that kindness and dignity play. It’s 30 minutes with Elizabeth Ü & Gene Marks that’ll save you time, money, energy and unnecessary stress. With one Positive Nancy!