Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 45 - The secret to attracting & retaining customers



Customers - you can’t build a successful small business without them. But how can you attract new customers at the same time as retaining old ones? And what sort of marketing technology should you be using?This week Xero Gravity host Elizabeth U chats to Ron Cates, director of digital marketing education at Constant Contact, and Megan Roth, marketing manager at Insightly, about ways to attract and retain customers in the digital era.“Many business owners are in digital diapers. They didn't open their business because they were interested in becoming an online marketer or digital marketer. They got it because they love pool and they wanted to open a place that sells pool tables,” Ron told Elizabeth.Tune in to find out how to make digital marketing work for your business and the power of CRM and the cloud when it comes to attracting and retaining customers.