Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 52 - Effective communication matters in small biz



Public speaking, pitching, talking and listening - communication is integral to every aspect of business ownership and is one skill that directly impacts success. Just like any other skill, to be an effective communicator, you need to practice. And this week’s guest, Dr. Ebony Utley, associate professor at California State University Long Beach, will tell you why. “Communication requires iteration and reiteration just like every other aspect of your business because how you’re describing the business today is not how you’re going to describe it this time next year.” This week on Xero Gravity, Dr. Utley joins Elizabeth U and shares insight around effectively communicating with your audience, peers, co-workers, family, friends and most importantly, yourself. So listen in, because being an effective communicator is as much about your ability to listen to how the people in your world want to be communicated to.