Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 58 - Why you're doing mindfulness all wrong



If you wanted to get to know yourself better, what would you do? There’s a whole world of mindfulness that goes beyond breathing and meditation; And it starts with you. In this episode of Xero Gravity, we speak to Dandapani - a Hindu Priest, entrepreneur and speaker on self-development - about how mindfulness and concentration can make you a better small biz leader. “Life is finite. I don’t believe life is short. The other thing that’s finite is my energy. I only have so much energy in each day, and I need to be wise in taking my finite amount of energy and investing it in the people and things that truly matter to me.” Tune in to find out why you’re doing mindfulness wrong and how to change your approach to maximize success in your business, and your life!