Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 61 - Why paid search marketing is a lot like marriage



Turns out that paid search marketing is a lot like marriage. At least that’s what Fernando Gomez, CEO at SpargoConnect LLC and paid search marketing expert, has come to believe.   “You don’t go up to somebody and say, ‘Hey, we just met.  Would you like to get married?’  That’s creepy.  But that’s the same thing we do with our ads or our marketing and so our customers will think, ‘I don’t even know you. We haven’t gone for coffee.’” In this episode of Xero Gravity, Fernando shares his secrets to paid search marketing success, with tactical tips on how to get the most value for money for your small business. Tune in to learn more about the phases of paid search marketing, how to ethically leverage competitor campaigns, and choosing the right platform for your audience.