Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 67 - Conflict resolution tips for work (and life)



“Most of us are conflict averse and would prefer to hide under the doona at home than to approach a colleague to discuss something that's challenging.” Meet Nicole Cullen, she’s not afraid of a good argument - and as a mediator (and mum) she’s sure seen plenty of them. On Xero Gravity 67 Nicole shares her dispute resolution smarts to help you face conflict like an absolute boss. You’ll hear plenty of simple tips to help you ward off those awkward watercooler moments - from avoiding first-person language to embracing a good old informal conversation. You’ll also learn just how much conflict could really cost your business bottom line as it threatens productivity, diminishes workplace morale and snowballs extra resources. All that with a healthy side dose of motherly advice and a few aikido moves.