Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 86 - Loren Brill - Eat, Bake, Love



After one trip to the doctor’s office, your whole life can totally change. You hear about it happening to other people but when it happened to Loren Brill, it unleashed her inner entrepreneurial dragon. When she couldn’t find the healthy comfort foods she craved, she realized she had to make them herself -- ultimately becoming the founder of Sweet Loren’s, a healthy cookie dough company that’s changing the game. And you’re not going to believe who her first buyer was! Loren’s shares her vanilla-scented journey with us and it’s perfect for Valentine's Day - it’s all about falling in love with your passion, and making room for romance. But even though Loren’s story is sweet as, there’s actually no refined sugar and plenty of spice.