Xero Gravity: Big Wins & Massive Fails

Ep: 87 - Jonathan Byrt & Jesse Leeworthy - Bromance in a bottle



When you think of reusable water bottles, beautiful probably isn’t the first words to spring to mind. The practical, dull colored cylindrical bottles your grandad takes hiking, yes. A bottle the cool kids are lusting after, not so much. But the practical and the beautiful can coexist, because (former) financial consultant Jonathan Byrt and product design engineer Jesse Leeworthy made it happen. A business born out of a frustration with single-use bottles, Memobottle has grown to become so much more than just an environmentally-friendly vessel. Working around the clock and around the globe for a business they love, Leeworthy and Byrt want to start  a movement. Big heart and big ambition has them seeking to inspire the masses, and shift the world towards a more environmentally friendly, conscious society