Up Late With Oliver

Episode 18: A.S.S. : Aunt Secret Snake



THIS JUST IN: we’re bringing you all the news that’s fit to podcast on an all new episode of Up Late With Oliver with special guest DAVID BRITTON! David is so funny that it fills us with white-hot comedic jealous rage, and he’s currently touring all over the midwest. Check out www.davidbrittoncomedy.com or follow him on twitter https://twitter.com/lazersaurus, plus you should be listening to his gut-bustingly funny podcast, History Bluffs on iTunes, and his album “Liberal Nerd Bullshit” is available at https://davidbritton.bandcamp.com/album/liberal-nerd-bullshit (with album art by Nathan P)! Topics discussed include: flatulence blame rhymes, How Dare You™, cup-related murder evasion techniques, acronyms within acronyms, Booty Man, black eyed jinx, Beaverwitched, grandpa’s pokey mans, a contagious voice problem, the Italian scat revival, wandering accents, Hulk Holganz’s Russian talking kangaroo, Booty McBooty with Scrum Tuggins at the Warped Tour, and Yellow Hair makes a few phone calls during the aftermath