Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 372: Jim Padilla, Sales Leader from Gain The Edge



"Don't focus on the problem, focus on what's on the other side of the problem." Jim's personal experiences and struggles, even from a young age, have molded the way he interacts with not only his clients, but also the people around him. During our chat we dial in on how to overcome your personal demons, and create meaningful connections with those you want to have an impact on. Highlights: 6:08 Getting through difficult times 11:26 When the warning light burns out 21:25 Chasing impact, not income 25:51 Amazing experience (link to article about it) 33:52 Setting boundaries with your clients 40:30 Win-Win 43:28 Jim Padilla's Seven keys   Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp372