Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 396: Karen Fritz, Purposetivity Expert from Purpose Driven Process



“I want people to have that lifestyle where they are present to their kids and their family” While having numerous successful businesses and talent in software project management, Karen was on the rise when something unexpected happened. A motorcycle accident made life very different for her, causing her the need to develop unique strategies to accomplish the simplest day to day tasks. During her healing process, Karen realized these same tools can help so many others. This prompted her development of solutions to allow business owners to be present in their lives outside of their business.  Tune in as Karen takes us through her journey of successes and realizations of where she wanted to take her life and how beauty can come from accidents. Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp396 Highlights: 00:47 How Karen got to where she is today2:15 Evernote- productivity for her motorcycle club6:30 Personal shopper for systems9:25 Time based VS relationship based14:23