Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 408: Esther Weinberg, Founder and CEO of Mindlight Group



“Every situation that is at our feet is always a gift and the best gifts are not wrapped in pretty packages and bows.” The founder and CEO of Mind Like Group, Esther Weinberg primarily works with leadership teams of entertainment technology companies on implementing cultures of dignity at work. Tune in as we discuss the importance of having those difficult conversations and how the small things build up to making the bigger problems. The education of healthy boundaries needs to be enforced in the work environment to allow for a safe workplace for both men and women. Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp408 Highlights: 00:48 Introductions 7:09 Work life balance 11:38 The farting monkey 16:17 The five “A’s” 20:28 You can say “no” 31:09 Trust, respect, and safety 35:05 The tools to building your team with dignity and respect 42:34 The next 90 days