Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 420: Natasha Todorovic, Co-Founder of NVC Consulting



“The common thread always is the people.” Natasha Todorovic is a trained consultant who has worked with a diverse group of international clients from many different industries and at all levels of management. She uses an approach called Spiral Dynamics which, as the name suggests, requires one to get to the core of who you are similar to how DNA (which rotates around in a spiral) is at the very core of who we are. Natasha is fascinated by the relationships she sees between people because - as she says - that’s where the magic happens.  Listen in as Kim and Natasha have an inspiring conversation about people, collaboration, and clogged pipes.  Trust me, you will be inspired! Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp420 Highlights: 9:56 Getting to the core of who you are 20:20 50% of projects fail because of lack of collaboration 25:30 Spiral Dynamics 27:18 The DNA of our business 30:35 Sometimes the pipes get clogged 31:51 There’s a magic in seeing what’s between