Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 424: Rico Caveglia, Creator of The Ageless Living Lifestyle



“The most important thing is to change your mindset, to realize that you can … create a healthy, energetic body.” Living and teaching the Ageless Living Lifestyle for 35+ years now, Rico Caveglia opened up one of the first modern, personal training studios in San Diego in 1981.  Listen in as Kim and Rico discuss his passion for a healthy lifestyle which can produce ageless living. Why? As Rico explains, our bodies have a genetic potential to stay healthy until 125 years old so our life expectancy could have many more years of good living!    Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp424 Highlights: 10:58 30-Day Clarity Exercise 19:56 The critical importance of the right food, enough sleep, physical movement and spiritual balance 22:17 Mindfulness - being aware of what we’re feeling, thinking and believing 23:18 Your conscious mind can override your subconscious mind 24:10 Master the seven essentials of life - breathe oxygen, drink water, eat real food, eliminate w