Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 434: Camille Nisich, Sleep and Stress Coach and Consultant



“Without sleep, there are no dreams to wake up to.” Today, Camille Nisich operates as a Sleep and Stress Coach after watching her mom live a life of high stress and little sleep.  Her mom’s health deteriorated due to her ‘high stress’ life and she ultimately passed away when Camille was only 12. Listen in as Kim and Camille discuss how stress is a big-time “sleep stealer” and the many reasons why sleep really is as important as we think it might be!   Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp434 Highlights: 4:36 One of the top “sleep stealers” is stress 8:36 “Sleep is an accelerator for your business.” 10:25 “The Lonely Hours” 14:07 First wave of drowsiness = go to bed   21:58 A coffee curfew 36:10 People will start to look “aged” when they are sleep deprived