Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 464: Christy Whitman, New York Times Bestselling Author, Coach and Founder of Quantum Success Coaching Academy



“People can give us their opinions and their advice but for me the biggest guidance is what comes from the divine within us.” After not feeling fulfilled with a college degree, great job, health, and vitality, Christy Whitman sought a deeper meaning in life and once she made that her intention she found it. Now she is a New York Times bestselling author, coach, and founder of Quantum Success Coaching Academy and feeling like she is living her dream life. Listen in as Kim and Christy talk about how every mistake is an opportunity to grow, words that would be best to eliminate from your vocabulary, and how Christy has no “have to’s” in life. Get the show notes, transcription and resources mentioned at https://thekimsutton.com/pp464 Highlights: 00:43 Having it all but not feeling fulfilled 09:44 Returning clients back to themselves 16:30 Procrastination is a behavior rooted in lack 21:13 Do only the things you love to do and bring yourself joy 36:11 “Big Girl Book” 43:02 That moment where Christy knew what she w