Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

PP 681: Choose to be the Champion of Your Life with William Hung



"Take personal responsibility for your own progress." -William Hung Rejections in real life are more painful than a big fat "NO" from Simon Cowell. But what if you received both? If you're a fan of American Idol, you'll love today's conversation with William Hung. You may remember him from season 3 with his version of "She Bangs" and how he raise to fame after receiving that dreaded "NO". If you're wondering what he's doing now, you'll be surprised to know that he's serving on a different stage as a motivational speaker. He helps his clients uncover and share their inspiring stories to the world.  In this episode, Kim and William talk about facing rejection with grace, "gamifying" your business, life hacks to be more free, and a better way to look at mistakes. If you're thinking of becoming a speaker one day, listen as William shares the secret to a good speak in presentation!  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights:   03:52 Exploring The World Of Speaking