Customer Service Academy

73: Leadership and Employee Experience In Remote Site Operations With Peter Roles



In this episode, I talk to Peter Roles of 4xi Consulting about the challenges of employee engagement and delivering quality in remote locations. Staff in a remote location are looking for a satisfying meal, comfortable lodging, and clean uniforms to help fuel their work. Leveraging technology in the field is a fantastic way to keep teams connected to their families - which is important to their overall mindset Supply chain is crucial to delivering services within the remote site environment Even the smallest special events can motivate employees Community connectivity matters to ensure you mesh well in the local environment   It's time for the great service comeback!   Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations to IGNITE THEIR SERVICE using his common sense approach to Customer engagement.  Tony has spoken to government agencies and Fortune 500 companies to unlock