Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How She's Evolved Her Podcast to Feed Her Business (and Herself) with Tina Conroy of the Intuitive Woman Podcast - PODCASTING SERIES



Kicking off the PODCASTING SERIES today is the fabulous Tina Conroy of The Intuitive Woman Podcast.  I’ve had the privilege of walking beside Tina on her podcasting journey the past few years as her coach and mastermind leader and I can tell you that she’s one of the most dedicated podcasters I’ve ever met.  As a matter of fact, she’s been podcasting in some form since 2011!   Tina is an Intuitive, Reiki Master, Yoga teacher and healer.  She helps women connect deeper to their intuition so they can be more aligned with themselves and live lives that bring them joy.  She does this through her Intuitive Coaching program, her live yoga sessions, her virtual Reiki and Reading sessions and her live Retreats.   During our conversation, Tina shares… How her entire podcasting and business journey had a massive change when she attended Podfest in 2017. How changing her brand into The Intuitive Women was sooooo much more than just a name change.  That it forced her to step confidently into the brand. The first moment