Our Work At Home Life With Jason And Jami: Online Business | Blogging | Working From Home

OWAHL 003: Bringing on Affiliates for Your Product Launch



One of the best and most exciting ways to make an income online is by launching your own products. Earlier this week Jason and I shared a big picture overview of how to launch a digital product.  Today we are going to share how to take that product launch to the next level by working with affiliates!  A big focus of ours in our won business in 2017-2018 is expanding our affiliate base. We have around 100 active affiliates right now but only a small portion of these make any significant sales.  A good rule of thumb when thinking about brining on affiliates, is to launch your product first without affiliates. Do a launch, get comfortable with it, make sure the product works, and then bring affiliates into the mix.  How it works with affiliates: People who are interested in sharing your product can sign up for your affiliate program. Once approved they will get their own affiliate links to share your products.  If someone purchases through those links, that affiliate gets a percentage of the sale. Typical commis