Our Work At Home Life With Jason And Jami: Online Business | Blogging | Working From Home

OWAHL 008: How to Develop a Pinterest Strategy for Massive Growth



Last week we discussed how to develop a social media strategy. I did an overview of how I handle social media on my main blog, Young Wife's Guide.  Today I'm back to discuss how you can use Pinterest specifically for massive growth! Pinterest is an amazing way to build up your community and reach a massive audience. And Pinterest doesn't have to take very much time at all.   How to get traffic from Pinterest We get traffic from Pinterest in two ways: 1) Through my own personal Pinterest account for my blog. This is where I pin my own content and other people's content. I typically follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of what I pin is other people's content, 20% is my own. Althought sometimes this shift on Pinterest is more like 50/50. 2) Through other people pinning my blog posts. This is the beauty of Pinterest! As long as you've got good pictures (see below) and have some strategy when it comes to Pinterest, other people will start pinning YOUR content and you will get traffic from Pinterest without ever being active