Be A Paid Speaker Now

Episode i 48 How to go from EMPATH to Professional Speaker



Deborah Deras, Top Latina Speaker, Latinx Speaker interviews Dr. Niki Elliott.  Dr. Niki Elliott is a clinical professor, author, speaker in the area of holistic education, mindfulness and mind/body well-being. She is the founder of The Innerlight Method, a mindfulness-based wellness program that supports the socio-emotional and energetic well-being of empaths- those who absorb other people’s physical, emotional and energetic pains.  Niki is the author of I Feel Your Pain: A 7-Step Survival Guide for Empaths, Intuitives, and Highly Sensitive People. Each episode is equivalent to a $500 marketing consulting, public speaking coaching and social media training session, teaching you the business of speaking and how to position yourself as an expert because CLARITY is CASH! Once you identify your expertise and listen to our guests on how to position yourself you will be on the path to booking even more paid speaking engagements to Be A Paid Speaker Now. Grab a free w