Marketing Moxie: Online Marketing I Branding I Promotion I Copywriting I Conversions I Traffic

Episode #99 - Why Your Homepage Isn’t Doing You Any Favors



You’re working your tail off getting people to your website, but is your homepage getting the job done? The homepage needs to seal the deal and invite people into learning more, but if you fumble, you’re missing a big opportunity. This quick episode breaks down what you need to know. Show notes with key points and links for this episode available at Items Discussed in this Episode: When it comes to your web page, your homepage is essentially your online welcome mat I’ll share 1 big mistake to avoid with your homepage When you try to please everyone on your homepage, it’s very hard to actually please anyone The paradox of choice impacts our web site so heavily, I explain why The last thing you want to do with your homepage is cause the visitor anxiety The homepage is there to keep your audience around and show them where to go Your homepage is worth the time and energy it takes to get it right Links for this Episode: Link to Free Marketing Moxie Faceboo