Enoughness With Lisa Wang

11. The Unspoken Challenges of Influence with Jason Van Orden



Have you ever chased a dream only to realize that it actually feels more like a nightmare? Many entrepreneurs escape the corporate rat race to live life according to their own terms, only to realize years later that the one they’ve built is still far from fulfilling. Today’s guest, Jason Van Orden spent over a decade helping thousands of thought leaders grow their influence by strategically turning their passions into viable revenue streams. He has studied top Internet influencers in order to decode the psychology and strategies they use to launch and grow world-class personal brands. Jason launched over 60 online courses, taught more than 7000 entrepreneurs, generated 6 million dollars in online course sales, and 8 million downloads of his podcast. However, despite his outward success, Jason silently struggled with his own internal challenges that left him feeling apathetic, distressed, and unmotivated. In a world where your social image increasingly dictates your success, Jason reveals the dark underbell