Profitable Farmer

Episode 24 - How Tim & Cheryl are creating a Freedom Farm



Episode 24: How Tim & Cheryl are creating a Freedom Farm   Today we share an interview of Tim and Cheryl Freak that we did for our mastermind clients.  Tim & Cheryl are an amazing couple who are very passionate about farming.  In this interview, we explore how they are setting up their business to create a Freedom Farm.  This is a profitable company that continues to work without their presence.  Tim & Cheryl’s children are not ready to work on the land at the present time so they’ve had to hire people to help them create this freedom farm. We explore how they did this during the interview…   Here is a bit of back ground about Tim and Cheryl Freak:    Location:   Background: 1982 – Tim’s parents purchased 485 ha & share-farmed sheep 1990 – Tim joined the business.  Purchased 242 ha- very low equity 1992 – Cheryl joined the business 1998 – Purchased 380 ha 2002 – Share-farming extended to include cropping 2004 – Purchased airseeder and bar in a syndicate 2005 – Purchased 32