Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

10: Monica Leonelle Shows You How to Triple Your Writing Speed



Monica is a novelist who writes across several different genres, including romance, young adult, and science fiction.    In this episode of Write With Impact, Monica shares the process she developed that enables her to write more than 3,500 words per hour. She covers the exact framework that she explains in her new book, "Write Better, Faster: How To Triple Your Writing Speed and Write More Every Day."   It’s a fascinating conversation, and I’m sure you’ll get a ton of valuable strategies and tips on how to substantially boost your own writing speed.     You can find links to her blog, where she shares a ton of free insights into her writing process, as well as links to her books on Amazon over at writewithimpact.com/episode10   To get the latest episode of Write With Impact, subscribe on iTunes at www.writewithimpact.com/itunes or on Stitcher at writewithimpact.com/stitcher