Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

11: 16 Topic Ideas to Help You Break Through Blogger's Block [Coffeecast]



Today I’m going to talk about how to break through what I call “blogger’s block.” Yeah, you know what I mean. When you run into that wall and just can’t seem to find something to write about. You might have too much to choose from and suffer from the “curse of choice." Or perhaps you feel you have nothing to share at all. Or maybe you’re just having a hard time getting started on that idea you’ve been chewing on for a while. When I first started blogging on LinkedIn and on my personal blog, I struggled with what I should write about. I think this is a common problem that all new bloggers face. In fact, it’s probably one of the main reasons why many people still haven’t even begun to blog. They think — mistakenly — they either have nothing to write about, or that what they do want to write about won’t find an audience. By committing to posting on a weekly basis, I was able to slowly build a repertoire of posts — a body of work — that proved to myself, at least, that I did have something to write about. And jud