Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

15: Aaron Pierson Will Help You Create a Killer Brand Strategy



Today I’ve decided to take a break from talking about writing. Instead, we’re going to dive into a topic that is something I’ve been doing for several decades now through my work as a communications and branding professional, and something that I believe is incredibly relevant to all of you writers out there: branding!   That’s right. We’re going to put our pens down and close our Moleskin notebooks and Macbook Pros and listen to Aaron Pierson talk about how to create a brand strategy that will help you get noticed.   Aaron is an experienced brand strategist and designer who has worked with several leading digital marketers and major consumer and B2B companies.   At the end of our conversation he talks a little about his new Activator digital brand strategy course which you can find right here.     I worked with Aaron on the branding for this podcast and the Write With Impact website, so I know what it’s like firsthand to get his expert guidance on brand development.    I think you’re going to enjoy this conv