Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

16: Paul Jarvis on Writing and the Work of the Creative Freelancer



Paul Jarvis is a successful digital entrepreneur who publishes best-selling books on writing, publishing, and digital marketing. He’s also a web designer who has helped some of the biggest names in the online space like Marie Forleo. And, he creates online courses where he shares everything he knows about building a successful business as a creative freelancer. I’ve been reading Paul’s weekly newsletter, the Sunday Dispatches, for the past year now, and I’m an avid listener of his podcast, Invisible Office Hours, which he co-hosts with Jason Zook. In this episode, Paul shares a ton of insights into how he creates so much high quality content across so many different platforms: He shares his technique for writing best-selling books. He talks about how focusing on a single project and shutting down all other distractions like social media helps him to maximize his productivity. He talks about the innovative way that he and Jason used to successfully monetize their podcast without sponsorship or advertising of