Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

24: How WordPress Creator Matt Mullenweg Writes



I was recently in Hong Kong for a tech conference where I met Matt Mullenweg. For those of you who don’t know who Matt is, Matt took a piece of open source blogging software 12 years ago and started modifying it and improving it, and eventually turned it into WordPress, the content management software which powers 24% of all websites on the internet today.   Matt is the CEO of Automattic, which is the company that manages wordpress.com and offers a range of products and services that are part of the WordPress ecosystem.  Automattic today is valued at over a billion dollars.    Matt runs a very different company, and that’s something I go into with him in this conversation. For the most part, nobody needs to go into an office. Their 400 employees work at home or in shared offices in dozens of countries around the world. Matt hopes to scale that up to 4,000 someday.     They also rarely use email and instead use an internal blogging platform they created called P2 which they use to communicate.   In the first h