Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

48: Pamela Wilson Shows You How to Go from Blogger to Book Author



Read the show notes to this episode and get a free ebook with writing strategies at writewithimpact.com/episode48 Pamela Wilson is Executive Vice President of Educational Content at Rainmaker Digital. There she manages, among other things, their flagship website, Copyblogger, which is one of the most widely followed websites in the world, where you can learn all you need to know about content marketing. Pamela is a long-time blogger for Copyblogger. And while she’s written a lot of blog posts, she has yet to write a book. She’s setting out to change that with her first book which will be about content marketing, a topic she’s a deep expert in, and a topic that she has been blogging about for many years now. What’s unusual, and I think incredibly fascinating, is the process she’s going through as she writes her book. Earlier this year, she launched a podcast called “Zero to Book” with Jeff Goins, the bestselling author and blogger, where she discusses the process she’s going through as she writes and self-publ