Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

51: Aaron Pierson's Strategies for Launching an Amazon Bestselling Book



Today I’ve invited a guest back onto the show: Aaron Pierson. Aaron was on this podcast back in episode 15 last year, where we talked about how to create a killer brand strategy. In this episode, we dive deep into the strategies he used to launch his first book, Brand Dominance: How to Create a Disruptive Social Brand. In our conversation, Aaron shares the exact steps he took to make his book quickly hit the bestseller lists on Amazon. Some of the strategies you might already be familiar with, but to hear Aaron talk about his story of how he took his very first book and made it an Amazon bestseller is inspiring. Aaron also has some contrarian advice about email, which is powerful he admits, but has its limitations. He talks about Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, and the relative impact of each social media media platform on his book launch. And he offers some really practical, roll-up-your-sleeves tips for what you can do to get people excited about buying, reading, and reviewing your book. Links Aaron Pierso