Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

55: Chris Fox Shows You How to Develop a Lifelong Writing Habit



Chris Fox is a bestselling novelist who quit his job as an iOS app developer earlier this year to write full-time. In addition to writing thriller and science fiction novels, Chris has published several excellent writing guides, a few of which I’ve discussed with him on earlier episodes of this podcast. In our conversation, Chris shares some of the practical tactics for developing a daily—and eventually lifelong—writing habit that he covers in his book, Lifelong Writing Habit: The Secret to Writing Every Day. He also tells the story of how he has reprogrammed his own writing habits to become the prolific, bestselling author that he is today. Find out more about Chris at writewithimpact.com/episode55 If you enjoyed this episode (or other episodes of this podcast), I'd be grateful if you shared a positive review on iTunes. And don't forget to subscribe!