Snyder Showdown

002 | Do You Have the Right People?



Welcome back to the Snyder Showdown podcast. Host Chris Snyder is the successful, straight-talking Internet business expert with zero patience for losing, a potty mouth and a well earned chip on his shoulder.     In this episode, Chris pulls no punches in discussing how modern day business hiring practices need to significantly improve. He talks about the importance of hiring the correct people, calls BS on the typical recruiting process, shares best-in-class hiring tips, and warns of the dangers and costs of bad hiring. Chris details real-life hiring experiences while sharing invaluable hiring tactics - including setting probationary periods for new employees and how to quickly sever ties with those who fail to meet expectations.   Upholding true thought leadership, Chris calls out BS within the typical recruitment process.  He urges you to challenge the reliability of references, resumes and LinkedIn profiles and gives insight into hiring methods that work best in today's world. He also emphasizes how trust