Brand Badasses

#13 - Style Guide



Why you need a Style Guide for your business. This is not just to ensure white space all the way around your logo! It is to ensure your brand is consistent through every communication. It's a litmus test of sorts…It's something you can have at your back as reference as you build materials to promote your business—from email or letter to your google my business page. This is especially important if you have team members all sending out information on your business's behalf.  Common Elements of a Style Guide – All Visual! Spacing around your logo Font ID/Recommendation, Headline Body Copy Subheads, Emphasis Color Palette Color Usage Image Framing, Organization, Presentation Textures / Patterns " The Brand isyour Business " ~Bud Adams Style Guide VS Brand Book Brand Book is based upon a full brand architecture which includes much more than just your look (though that is the first thing most of us think of) A brand book defines you. It goes beyond an introduction and takes you all the way through the custome