Spanish Practices

Day 63 - "Christmas and The Magna Carta"



Day 63 and the reason we don't work Christmas Day anymore, how the Magna Carta protects us but not the Spanish.  A daily diary in Lockdown from a British couple behind the police lines in lockdown in Spain.   Find out more: The Seaside Gazette Day 63 Christmas and the Magna Carta It is day 63 of our Spanish Lockdown, tomorrow brings some freedom, I think, but in true Spanish Practices style there is a lot of confusion and weird rules.   Martin Myall from our local paper “The Seaside Gazette” writes, I quote:   “You can jump in the car with your kids and spouse, but you can’t go out walking together. You can, however, sit with them altogether on a bar terrace.   You can drive out into the mountains, but you can’t park up and go for a walk whilst you’re there.   What time you go for your walk or take your kids out for fresh air is restricted, but you can go to a bar or restaurant any time you want, as long as they are open.”   Thanks Martin. In