Spanish Practices

Day 74 - "Shady Deals"



Today shady European Deals and shady terraces, as we continue our daily diary of Lockdown, Spanish style. Find out more: Day 74 shady deals   Thursday has arrived and we are awaiting the blind men, not that they are actually blind, but they are hopefully going to fit the awning blinds that run along the top of our pergola.   Some rather sad but predictable news from the Spanish economy, and that is 38,508 fewer pensions were paid out last month as the Covid19 virus has been especially lethal amongst Spain’s ageing population. This is also the third month in a row the pension bill has declined.   The E.U. has finally moved into action and there is a plan to help the Spanish economy to the tune of 140 Billion Euros.  But that plan does depend on all 27 member states agreeing a rescue package principally for Spain, Italy and then smaller amounts for the rest of the Union.   European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen says “We either all go it alone, leaving countries, region