Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

035: My Favorite Apps and Online Tools



I really enjoy reading blog posts and listening to podcasts from leaders who share some of their favorite tools and resources for productivity, running their business, or just cool apps that they use. I'm always on the hunt for better ways of doing things. Really, it's a great way to discover new tools that I want to check out or to learn to use a tool differently. Well, with that in mind, I’ve got a special treat for you. In this episode, I share fifteen of my favorite apps and tools.  I’ll cover tools for productivity and efficiency, communication and community, financial tools and data storage, plus everything in between. Some of the tools and apps I mention in this episode may not be new to you. But some of them are just so good, I had to share them with you.  And hey, maybe I'm using them in a different way than you are or maybe you've heard of them before, but you haven't tried them out yet. Either way, I think you'll find something new in this list that can make your life better or easier. Enjoy!   Sho