Online Course Connections With Vickie Maris

Four Website Tips to Get Ready for Voice Search



Gary Vaynerchuck is on the Voicebot List for 2019 Top 10 Influencers in Voice. Neil Patel is a marketing thought leader, and named by Entrepreneur Magazine as a creator of 1 of the 100 most brilliant companies. Both are preparing their companies for voice. Between the two of them, they have many successful businesses. In Episode 11 of Agile Digital Business, I summarize both their sense of urgency about preparing your business for the voice platform and tips provided by Neil for updating your website for voice. There are changes you can make to your website that will enable the assistants to more readily find and serve up your content when your customers search for your business with their voice. Here are my notes from the episode along with the time codes: 1:11 Introduction to Episode 11 by Agile Digital Business host, Vickie Maris 1:30 Voice search is the focus of Season 2 of Agile Digital Business podcast 1:52 Sense of urgency for businesses to get ready for voice search 2:10 Summary of video on the GaryVe