Online Course Connections With Vickie Maris

Mark Schaefer interview during COVID-19 Pandemic



Mark Schaefer, author of Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Company Wins, is my guest on Episode 29 of Agile Digital Business. He provides many valuable insights and examples of how companies can be reacting in the COVID-19 global crisis to remain relevant in the eyes of their customers. 0:12 "We have to think about the context of this moment..." 1:15 Welcome in to Episode 29 from host, Vickie Maris 2:20 A shoutout to Amanda and Jerry for submitting questions for Mark 2:34 Music 2:41 Introduction of Mark W. Schaefer. He is author of 7 books including Known and his latest book, Marketing Rebellion: The Most Human Conmpany Wins. Mention of episode on Edge of the Web Radio hosted by Erin Sparks. 3:24 Experience as an instructor in the executive education classroom. Mark Schaefer taught a day of instruction on social media in the Digital Marketing Certificate program in its former structure of a 5-day program taught in Chicago, Illinois and done in collaboration between Rutgers University and the University o