Online Course Connections With Vickie Maris

Llamas: A Lesson in Leadership and Team Roles



In Episode 36 of Agile Digital Business, hear insights about leader  selection, and about allowing team members to self select into ideal roles. Vickie Maris, host of the show, teaches in the professional development classroom (and virtual learning spaces) on leadership lessons gleaned from the raising and training of llamas, ponies, and other livestock on her farm. Show Notes for Episode 36 00:00 Introduction to information about a leader in the USA, NASA astronaut John Glenn - the third person and first American to orbit the Earth. In 1957, he made the first supersonic, transcontinental flight across the United States.  :54 The name of John Glenn is listed in Chapter 2 in the book, Why A Students Work for C Students, by Robert T. Kiyosaki. The list includes 50 people who didn't finish school. There are several presidents, authors, movie directors, playwrites, musicians and business founders and owners on the list. 2:36 Introduction of this episo