
Gasnet Podcast Episode 1 is Live!



Gasnet Podcast Episode 1: A History of the Gasnet Email discussion list The first episode of the Gasnet Anaesthetic podcast is now live. YIPPEE! This episode details some of the history of the Gasnet email discussion list itself and some of the people who have been involved over the years. A/Prof John Loadsman reviews the 20yr history of the Gasnet email discussion list. [wptab name='Audio'] Recorded live at the Australian Society of Anaesthetists Annual Scientific Meeting in October 2014 This and future episodes will be available to view in several different formats: Video on demand Audio on demand Podcast subscription Text transcript This embedded player will play the Audio from the podcast within this web page. You must remain connected to the internet. If you enjoyed listening to this presentation please subscribe to the podcast feed to receive further episodes automatically [/wptab] [wptab name='Video'] Video page [embed][/embed] Video of this and future Gasnet pod